
1st International Medical Graduate is elected as President of RANZCP

1st International Medical Graduate is elected as President of RANZCP

Held in Hobart, Tasmania the 2021 Royal Australian New Zealand College of Psychiatrist conference has just closed. In the context of psychiatry workforce and migration, the conference had a w... read more...

Australian job selection criteria for consultants

Australian job selection criteria for consultants

Hello. I’ve been asked a few times about this recently so I'm going to take a quick look at the main features in selection criteria used to assess senior medical practitioners during a recruitment pro... read more...

Australian healthcare system - a primer.

Australian healthcare system - a primer.

Feedback from doctors who have migrated to or worked in Australia for a period of time tends to be positive in terms of the Aussie health system and the subsequent implications for them in turns of re... read more...

The Indian population in Australia

Indians are now third largest migrant group in Australia

Many of our job applicants live outside of Australia and we know a large percentage of them will have migrated once in their lives prior to considering moving to Australia. In this contex... read more...

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