Perth is Australia's 4th largest city with a population now of just under 2 million. The international airport has direct connections to the UAE, Doha (14hrs) Singapore (5hrs), Bali (Denpasar) and even a direct Qantas flight to London (14hrs). The city has first class private schools and has 5 universities. The public sector salary in Western Australia is one of the most generous for psychiatrists working in a metropolitan service. Depending on years of experience following the completion of training total remuneration is approx. AU$477k plus oncall. Contracted hours are 40hrs per week and you get compensated for overtime. The service is well resourced with registrars.
Other benefits include
- 2 weeks CME leave.
- AU$30k CME each year - paid along with your salary.

The service's inpatient services are across 3 sites. In Site 1, there are 3 adult inpatient wards, intensive care units. 1 ward is an involuntary locked ward. The other 2 are open wards. Here , ECT treatment is provided.
In Site 2, there is a major CL consultant led multidisciplinary team providing care to patients who suffer from co-morbid medical and mental illness. There is also a 20 bed general adult voluntary open unit, a discrete mental health emergency centre which has 8 treatment spaces, a 12 bed for specialised inpatient care and a unit which provides a calm space for patients can get early intervention distress management and support.
Site 3 is an evidence-based novel approach to care. It is a 40 person residential service which provides contemporary staged recovery support - transitional care between hospital and community living. There is a 20 bed short term acute service for people who require significant support to transition. There is also a 20 bed rehab and recovery unit for long stay sub-acute inpatients who don't require hospital support but still need substantial support to transition safely back into the community.

This consultant role involves you working with your consultant psychiatry colleagues to provide comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of patients. A management plan will be devised by members of the MDT of which you will provide clinical leadership. You will also develop, maintain and maximise relationships with primary care organisations and individuals as well as external mental health stakeholders to ensure continuity of treatment.
In respect to the oncall, consultants working for this service are rostered on for a week at a time (Friday to Friday) about once every 7 or 8 weeks. During weekdays this usually involves phone support to on site District Medical Officer. At the weekends and on public holidays the duty psychiatrist will all new admissions including patients who need assessment under the mental health act as well as review of nursing and security specials. This can take anywhere from 3 – 8 hours depending on the number of patients needing review.Other key areas which are important to this service are teaching and supervision; research; driving quality and safety initiatives via audits, data collection, clinical governance committees etc.

Selection criteria
- FRANZCP or equivalent specialist qualifications gained in Ireland, UK, NZ, USA, Canada, South Africa will be highly regarded.
- If trained outside of Australia you must be able to demonstrate 6 months of child & adolescent psychiatry in your training.
- First class communication skills.
- Excellent management, administrative and analytical abilities.
- Broad experiences in adult inpatient settings.
- Leadership experience.

To find out more about your RANZCP eligibility, this job, service and more about Perth as a city - such as schools, housing, partner work opportunities etc. - please do not hesitate to contact me for expert information. My number is +44 7414 531 583 or alasdair@spinnermedical.com. I am available out of hours and at the weekend as well.

Spinner Medical Recruitment acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of Australia and the Torres Strait. We acknowledge them as the first inhabitants of the nation of Australia and the traditional custodians of the lands where people now live, learn and work. We respect all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - their customs and their beliefs. We also pay our respects to Elders past and present.